Jeannine LaRue Ranked #1 on InsiderNJ’s 2020 Insider OUT: 100 LGBT Power List

KZG is pleased to share that Jeannine LaRue has been ranked #1 on InsiderNJ’s 2020 Insider OUT: 100 LGBT Power List!

InsiderNJ’s annual Insider OUT 100: LGBT Power List is a tribute to the influential LGBTQ people in New Jersey politics.

In naming Jeannine #1 on the list, the InsiderNJ team said, “Going on 5 decades in New Jersey politics, Jeannine LaRue has seen it all. And she’s done it all too: chief of staff, super-lobbyist, advocate, professor. Her longevity in Trenton is without peer. She’s brilliant and also tenacious. But it’s as a mentor to others – LGBTQ and otherwise – where Ms. LaRue shines the brightest. Endowed with a boundlessly gracious and generous spirit, Jeannine LaRue is just really good at helping others and nurturing the next generation.”

Jeannine sincerely appreciates this prestigious recognition and congratulates all the individuals who received this honor.

To see the complete list, click here.