KZG’s Jeannine LaRue Named to The Advocate's Corridors of Power 2021 Champions of Pride List

KZG is pleased to share that Jeannine LaRue has been named to The Advocate’s 2021 Champions of Pride list!

The Advocate, a leading LGBTQ+ magazine, names influential members of the LGBT community from across the country to their annual Champions of Pride list. This list recognizes over 100 changemakers, two from each state and U.S. territory, that are making inroads for LGBTQ+ people in their fields of work and in their communities.

In naming Jeannine as one of New Jersey’s honorees, The Advocate said, “If you work in New Jersey politics, you know Jeannine LaRue. For nearly five decades, the 70-year-old Black lesbian lobbyist has been one of the leading voices in the Garden State on social justice issues — from driver’s licenses for undocumented immigrants to outlawing discrimination based on ethnic hairstyles to being the lead proponent for New Jersey’s Marriage Equality Act.”

When describing her coming out journey, Jeannine said “I lived in the closet for decades for fear that coming out would damage my political career or cause me to be ostracized by my family. Once I found the courage to face my own truth of being lesbian, I found that family members, friends, and colleagues wanted to learn more about my lifestyle and to know how they could be supportive as an ally.”

Jeannine continues to fight for progressive social change in New Jersey and is the lead lobbyist for all of KZG’s clients whose goals are to achieve social, racial and economic justice in various public policy areas.

Jeannine sincerely appreciates this prestigious recognition and congratulates all the individuals who received this honor.

To see the complete list, click here.

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