KZG Achieves Passage of Legislation Authorizing NJ Optometrists to Administer Immunizations

On May 12th, Governor Phil Murphy signed A-5222/S-3306 into law, authorizing optometrists to administer coronavirus and influenza immunizations to adults in New Jersey. This new law strengthens New Jersey’s covid-19 vaccination efforts by expanding points of access to immunizations.

On behalf of our client, the New Jersey Society of Optometric Physicians (NJSOP), KZG’s Beth Dohm led and coordinated all legislative efforts that ensured the passage and enactment of A-5222/ S-3306. This bill was sponsored by Assembly Members Raj Mukherji (D-33), Anthony Verrelli (D-15), Yvonne Lopez (D-19) and Senators Patrick Diegnan (D-18) and Shirley Turner (D15).

NJSOP Legislative Chair and Past President Dr. George Veliky said, “Expanding immunization authority to optometrists will address gaps in access, improve health inequity and allow for significant scaling of the COVID-19 vaccination program.”

In a joint statement following the signing of the bill, bill sponsors said, “We’re all eager to see an end to this unprecedented crisis. A key factor influencing how quickly we can distribute vaccines to residents is how many health care professionals are available to help administer them. Expanding safe points of access for New Jerseyans to receive the COVID-19 vaccine will help our state get this pandemic under control more quickly and efficiently.”