KZG Clients Respond to Critical Needs In The Fight Against COVID-19

Kaufman Zita Group clients are doing all they can to combat the coronavirus across the state. Our clients are making a positive impact on everything from education to medical supplies to providing meals and expanding telehealth access.

NJTV has partnered with the New Jersey Department of Education and the New Jersey Education Association to bring supplemental live lessons to students across the state through NJTV Learning Live. NJTV Learning Live features live one-hour lessons for grades 3-6 taught by New Jersey public school teachers. The one-hour lessons include math, science, English language arts, social studies, physical education and more. Learning Live can be watched weekdays from 9am-1pm. Episodes can be live streamed here or watched through the archive here

The New Jersey Institute of Technology has utilized their technological capabilities to create personal protective equipment for the state’s frontline healthcare workers. In their MakerSpace, NJIT students and faculty are making 75 face shields a day using 3D printers. NJIT also donated all the masks, gloves, goggles, and gowns in their research labs to Newark area hospitals. For more on NJIT’s response to COVID-19, check out this article

Sodexo, a food services company, continues to work with municipalities and school districts to provide meals to students throughout the public health emergency. Sodexo has ensured that students who receive free and reduced breakfast and/or lunch have consistent meals even while not in the classroom.

Camden Coalition of Healthcare Providers have adapted to the challenges of social distancing by setting up a local homeless shelter partner with iPads to conduct telehealth visits with their clinical staff. This has allowed them to continue to serve vulnerable populations in South Jersey. For more information on how the Camden Coalition of Healthcare Providers are operating during COVID-19, click here

Mallinckrodt Pharmaceuticals recently donated 100 gallons of hand sanitizer to New Jersey. This hand sanitizer will directly benefit healthcare workers and patients as they fight COVID-19.

UPS has teamed up with the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) in support of “Project Airbridge,” am effort designed to expedite the arrival of PPE and other much needed critical supplies in hospitals throughout the New Jersey and across the United States. For more information of Project Airbridge, click here.

This crisis is unprecedented and we are proud of how our clients have responded to provide much needed help to our communities throughout our state.

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