KZG’s Adam Kaufman Attends Ribbon-Cutting Ceremony for KDC Solar’s Six Flags Great Adventure Project

On June 12th, KZG’s Adam Kaufman was pleased to attend the ribbon-cutting ceremony commemorating the completion of our client, KDC Solar’s Six Flags Great Adventure project. KDC Solar’s project ranks as the largest net metered solar installation in New Jersey, and distinguishes Six Flags Great Adventure as one of the world’s first solar-powered theme parks.

KZG is proud to have played a role in the completion of KDC Solar’s project, which was first proposed in 2015, helping their team work with Six Flags executives, environmental and community groups, public officials, and several local and state agencies involved in making this clean energy project a reality.

The 23.5 MW solar project, which began construction in September of 2018, and was completed with more than 99,000 hours of union labor, will produce approximately 30 million kilowatt hours of clean electricity in the first year and provide 98% of the power needed to keep the theme park running. The environmental benefits of the project will be equivalent to providing power for 2,787 homes for a year, or removing approximately 108,000 cars from the road. Furthermore, the project will spare the atmosphere of 1.5 million tons of carbon particles per year.

Other key features of the solar project include, nearly 60,000 solar panels spanning across three parking lots and 40 acres of previously unused land, a net metering system that allows the park to generate its own clean energy and export power into the grid to serve nearby homes and businesses, a reduction of the park’s reliance on fossil fuels, and the preservation of more than 200 acres of forest and wetlands.

Among the dozens in attendance, several current and former public officials celebrated the project’s completion, including former Governor James Florio, Senate President Stephen Sweeney (D-3), Senators Bob Smith (D-17) and Samuel Thompson (R-12), and Assemblymen Wayne DeAngelo (D-14), Robert Clifton (R-12), and Ronald Dancer (R-12). Senate President Sweeney, who delivered the keynote address at the ceremony, spoke about how projects such as this are an integral part of the state’s clean energy future, “Clean energy is the future. We need leaders in the business community and projects like this to help us meet the ultimate goal of becoming a more environmentally sustainable state. Clean energy technologies are not only good for the environment, they are good for the economy.”

Also in attendance for the ceremony was Six Flags Great Adventure Park President John Winkler, who spoke about the project’s importance in helping the theme park reach its energy goals and become a leader in the industry. “This is a thrilling day for our company. This project represents a giant step toward becoming a net-zero carbon facility. A lot of places in the industry are starting to think about this, and we’re hoping this will be the trigger for even more ahead. Clean energy is right for the environment and our future, and we look forward to decades of environmental stewardship with our partner, KDC Solar.”

ABOUT KDC SOLAR: KDC Solar, a leading developer, owner, and operator of solar power located in Bedminster, NJ, supplies commercial, governmental, industrial and institutional customers with significantly lower long-term electric costs through solar power. KDC Solar is committed to using clean solar energy to provide economic stimulus and jobs. It currently owns and operates more than 76 megawatts of solar facilities at 15 different locations and is constructing and permitting 42 megawatts of solar projects at businesses and institutions throughout New Jersey. For more information, visit  

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