KZG’s Beth Dohm Recognized by East Windsor Township Mayor for Her Service on the Township’s Economic Development Committee

At the East Windsor Township Annual Reorganization Meeting on January 7th, KZG’s Beth Dohm was recognized among several residents for their volunteer service to the community.

Beth, who was appointed to serve on the East Windsor Township Economic Development Committee, was presented with a Certificate of Appreciation by Mayor Janice Mironov. Members of the Committee advise the Township Council and Planning Board on issues and activities that promote economic and industrial development.

It was also announced that Beth was reappointed by the Mayor and the Township Council to serve a 2nd term on the Committee.

Beth is very pleased and honored to serve on this Committee and looks forward to helping East Windsor Township grow and prosper.

Top New Jersey Lobbyist, NJ Grassroots, NJ Government Affairs, NJ Strategic Communications, Beth Dohm